A Wide Scope of Complex Issues
When a fire occurs at a strip mall, hotel, restaurant or any other large structure it impacts more than just the building owner. Business owners, employees, customers and people in the nearby community are affected as well. A commercial structure fire also brings with it a wide scope of complex issues that must be researched—equipment failure, building code violations, human error, criminal activity.
At the end of the day, insurance companies and attorneys need to have confidence in their fire investigation team. Anderson Engineering instills that confidence.
That’s because Anderson Engineering investigators’ experience and training enable them to manage the full breadth and depth of issues that encompass a commercial structure fire. From coordinating a large scale investigation, to working with OSHA representatives and law enforcement, Anderson Engineering investigators capably and systematically manage a commercial structure fire with the skill that produces answers and allows people to move on with their lives.
Contact us today for more information or to assign a project.