Anderson Engineering and Investigations

We are a professional engineering company that specializes in fire and accident investigation. Anderson Engineering and Investigations is an industry leader offering services that include:
Forensic Engineering Services
- Origin and Cause Analysis
- Fire Scene Investigation
- Electrical Accident Reconstruction
- Expert Witness Testimony
- Hazardous Emergency Responce
Professional Engineering Services
- Equipment Safety Reviews
- Electrical Safety Training
- Evaluation of Electrical Construction Methods
- Hazardous Emergency Response
Product and Process Failure Mode Analysis
- Emergency Failure Analysis
- Long Term Product Testing for Reliability and Comparison
Consulting Services
- Large Loss Operations
- Case Reviews
- Code Interpretation
Midwest Current Transformer

In 1992, Anderson Engineering acquired Midwest Current Transformer (MCT), a manufacturer of current transformer products. This addition to the Anderson Engineering family allowed us to provide MCT customers with engineering technical support. Our engineers developed a design program that allows us to design current transformers to the customer’s electrical and physical specifications. We were able to increase the product line significantly with these design and subsequent manufacturing advances. Please view our Midwest Current Transformer website