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All of our professional and technical staff receives the OSHA recognized, 40 hour, Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) training.  We have experience in identifying hazards, putting together a site safety plan, and working in hazardous environments. 

Hazard Recognition
Fire scenes are dangerous places. Beyond the usual slip, trip, and fall hazards, many fire scenes also contain chemical and asbestos hazards. Even a “simple” house fire can contain household chemicals that deserve our respect.  Monitoring for dangerous gas levels can be critical. And don’t forget the confined space issues encountered when the access stairs to the basement were consumed in the fire.

Solutions Are Unique
Your fire scene will be processed safely with the proper equipment when you choose one of our HAZWOPER certified forensic engineers. We are trained in hazard recognition and site safety plan development. Our engineers have participated in hazardous scenes that have included everything from a dust hazard requiring paper masks to scenes that required level B protective equipment and procedures.


Contact us today for more information or to assign a project.


Hazardous environment investigated by Anderson Engineering and Investigations.