Timely Analysis
In an emergency or time sensitive situation, Anderson Engineering & Investigations can provide timely analysis of your product or system. Whether it’s one too many returned products with burned components or a heating system that continually fails catastrophically, our engineers can help diagnose the problem and recommend solutions.
Worst Nightmare
New technologies, miniaturization, assembly plants around the world, and downsizing your technical staff are some of the challenges manufacturers face. Consumer demand for lower prices and cool new products puts stress on the process of bringing new products to the market. Every manufacturer’s worst nightmare is the product that fails catastrophically in the field.
Peace of Mind
When a product reaches its end of life, it should fail in a safe manner. Whether you’ve experienced one catastrophic failure or several small failures that appear to be a trend, our engineers can get to the root of the problem in a timely fashion. Anderson Engineering works with manufacturers to evaluate returned units, conduct failure analysis testing, and get you an answer immediately. We will work with your technical and legal staff to ensure a safe solution to your problem.
Contact us today for more information or to assign a project.