Anderson Engineering is continually looking for talented, hardworking innovators to help drive our organization forward. If your commitment to Excellence in Engineering™ is strong please contact our team to find out where you fit in.
Current position openings include:
Forensic Electrical Engineer: (Minnesota, Illinois and Arizona Offices)
Practice of professional engineering in the area of fire and accident investigation. Job responsibilities include all aspects of a forensic investigation including scene examination, artifact testing and examination, product or process testing, engineering analysis, failure analysis and preparing expert opinions. Qualifications include a 4 year degree in Electrical Engineering, Professional Engineering licensure in at least one state, and 8 years of forensic engineering experience. The ideal candidate will have good written and oral communication skills, the ability to lead a team of experts, and a professional demeanor.
To apply for a position with Anderson Engineering & Investigations or to submit your resume for consideration of any future openings for which your qualifications may match, please send resumes and a cover letter to Nicole Goecke at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..