Electrical Safety, Design and Manufacturing Experience
Electrical accidents from power line contact to manufacturing control failures are within the purview of our engineering experts. We bring electrical safety, design and manufacturing experience to our accident analysis.
Electrical Accidents Abound
Electrical accidents involving high voltage and high current applications like power line contact or a lightning strike are much different than machine control failures. An electric shock event requires a thorough knowledge of the physiological effects of electricity. A control failure that causes an injury requires circuit analysis skills, review of safety codes and standards, and a thorough knowledge of possible failure modes.
Solutions Are Unique
Our engineers can provide comprehensive solutions to electrical accidents. Whether you need someone with a power background or an electronic background, we have an engineer on staff with experience. Whether it’s the National Electrical Safety Code or the UL Standard on Control Panels, our engineers can address the issue authoritatively.
Contact us today for more information or to assign a project.